
Promote International TCM Pharmacy Exchange

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  • No.11, Chengzhong N. St., Changhua City, Changhua County 50041, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
  • 04-7281889

Join Qualification入會資格

Application for Membership Application of Taiwan Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Association

The association is a legal person, in order to coordinate relations with the industry, enhance common interests, and plan for the promotion and promotion of the Chinese medicine pharmaceutical industry, and promote economic development as its purpose.

All the public or private factories operating the TCM manufacturing industry within the organization area of the Association shall, in addition to national defense military factories, join the Association as a member within one month of the opening of the business.

Apply for membership procedures:

  1. Fill in the membership application form, membership representative registration card, membership registration card and company contact window information.
  2. Membership fee: Members must join the meeting and pay NT$10,000 for the first time.
    Annual membership fee: NT$10,000 per year (RMB 2,500/month).
  3. Address of the Association: 50041, Chengzhong North Street, Changhua City, 50041
    Transfer account number: 22410699 or check payable: Taiwan Traditional Chinese Medicine Industry Association
Application for membership download